What is Inbox One?

Inbox One is Juan Escalante's weekly short-form newsletter, which aims to keep you posted on the latest in immigration policy, tech, and other timely current events.

Why should I subscribe?

Written by one of the nation's leading immigrant advocates, Inbox One brings you news and updates on current immigration policy and its impact on emerging technologies across all levels of government.

Is that it?

Not at all! While Inbox One will give you snapshots of immigration and tech news, you can also expect other fun and relevant pieces of content from Juan Escalante. If you follow him on Twitter, then you know he loves a great GIF just as much as holding politicians accountable.

I’m in! What is next?

If you are already a loyal and fearless reader of Inbox One, then please consider sharing it with your friends. The only way these snapshots of current events and bite-sized political updates can reach more people is to share Inbox One with everyone you know!

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Subscribe to Inbox One

Juan Escalante's short-form newsletter brings news, opinions, and analysis on topics ranging from immigration to tech and privacy straight to your inbox.


Digital strategist with a deep interest in immigration policy and tech. Tweets and other random thoughts at @JuanSaaa